Friday, August 2, 2019

Love Song

I thought of it as a positive because he was almost escaping time. B: Okay so he's Just like thinking about everything in this moment so time doesn't exist anymore A: Yes B: So when he says â€Å"Let fall upon the its back the soot falls from chimneys. † he almost personifying their sleep. Okay because I kind of saw it as him reflecting on his entire life and how there will be time to do all these things that I want to do but in the end is it worth it? And when he says â€Å"let us go then you and l. Maybe he's talking about the afterlife and saying what is the meaning of all of this until you get there. They also talk about Michelangelo, maybe because he's dead but almost amortized. A: He said â€Å"Do I dare† often and â€Å"how should I should I presume† I don't know maybe that's Just the uncertainty if It all and like the things like he said let us go and take these risks but he questioned it. Just moments we overlook or miss out on because we don't know how to think.Then he talked about like In line 40 and on â€Å"my hair growing thin† â€Å"my arms are thin† â€Å"do I disturb the universe? † do I question time do I go out even though nature Is taking Its course B: And he says indeed there will be time to wonder do I dare like there will be time to think about the things that you would have done and maybe he regrets not doing some of them. Like he says â€Å"l have measured my life with coffee spoons† and he know the voices and has kind of been In the background.You know coffee spoons Is kind of tedious A: Yea kind of living autonomously, Just like day by day doing the same thing and then think maybe this moment Is something different or special or he has this revelation that maybe I should take a risk and I guess In that moment he thinks this Is how I'm living my life and kind of reflects B: He repeats the question â€Å"would It have been worthwhile to do al these things and says no I am not prince ham let nor was I meant to b† and he says â€Å"I'm more Like a fool and fool and someone who advises the prince† and I don't know what do you think that means A: He also mentions Like a lot of characters really exalted people and he's saying†¦B: Kind of that he won't be remembered A: Exactly Like talking of Michelangelo, and Lazarus and a prophet, Prince Hamlet B: Yea and he's not prince hamlet A: He's not anything special I guess or he wants to be B: And so how does this reflect on love then he's saying would I have been worthwhile o squeeze this universe Into ball A: It think maybe In this moment he this thinks to himself what If I had lived my life Like this all the time and what If I had taken risks I could have know this feeling more. If we're looking at It Like love or even If It Is the end of his life and In the afterlife he's thinking I could have done so much more Like I'm not this person but I could have been and Instead I was the assistant that's Just the u ncertainty if it all and like the things like he said let us go and take we don't know how to think. Then he talked about like in line 40 and on â€Å"my hair o out even though nature is taking its course B: And he says indeed there will be measured my life with coffee spoons† and he know the voices and has kind of been in the background.You know coffee spoons is kind of tedious A: Yea kind of living moment is something different or special or he has this revelation that maybe I should take a risk and I guess in that moment he thinks this is how I'm living my life and kind of reflects B: He repeats the question â€Å"would it have been worthwhile to do says â€Å"I'm more like a fool and fool and someone who advises the prince† and I don't now what do you think that means A: He also mentions like a lot of characters really A: Exactly like talking of Michelangelo, and Lazarus and a prophet, Prince Hamlet B: to squeeze this universe into ball A: It think maybe in this m oment he this thinks to himself what if I had lived my life like this all the time and what if I had taken risks I could have know this feeling more. If we're looking at it like love or even if it is the end of his life and in the afterlife he's thinking I could have done so much more like I'm not this person but I could have been and instead I was the assistant Love Song The poem I chose to imitate and use to create my pastiche was Joseph Brodsky’s â€Å"Love Song†. The poem is Brodsky’s unusual ode to the woman he loves, telling her all the things that he would do for her if he could. These are things that he would do to show her how much he loves her, how far he would to take care of her, and how attracted he is to her. I chose this poem because I felt that it was an interesting combination of humor and subtle sexual innuendo intertwined with classical love poem emotion.I also chose this poem because the structure of it and the meter of the words were interesting and I wanted to challenge myself to recreate this structure with lines and thoughts of my own. Within Brodsky’s poem there are some particular elements that I intentionally tried to recreate, while there are others that I changed for my own. I tried to stay within the same meter with my poem as Brodsky did in his. I did this primarily because I enjoyed the way t hat the meter made his poem so easily readable and made the poem flow better.Brodsky did this by using words and lines with the same number of syllables, and I tried to recreate this element for the same effect. I also chose to utilize the element of rhyming every other line so that every two lines complete one sentence and one sentiment for the poem’s reader. Again, I felt that this technique made the poem flow well and made it more interesting. I began my creative process to create my pastiche of Brodsky’s poem by reading it several times.I did this to get an accurate understanding of the places in the poem where he inserted humor or innuendo in the lines. I felt that it was important to evenly space out these occurrences as Brodsky did so my poem didn’t come off too humorous and seem like a joke or a less than heartfelt expression. I also noted the individual components that Brodsky said he would be willing to be in his poem and tried to follow these. In some lines he refers to being a particular occupation, but in others he refers to himself as hypothetically being an inanimate object.I tried to follow this same structure because I felt it lent to the imagination of the poem and the genuine expression of love. The biggest challenge for me when creating my pastiche was to rhyme every other line. I find it difficult to write poetry that rhymes but I wanted to keep this element from Brodsky’s poem. I dealt with this challenge by trying to keep the first word, which is the word for which I would need to find an accompanying rhyme, simple and easy to rhyme.This meant rewriting some of the lines to make them end with an easy but fitting word, but it also helped me to make the poem flow better. I think I was able to rhyme the alternating lines while still incorporating meaningful metaphors in my poem. The other challenge I encountered was trying to implement Brodsky’s use of sexual innuendo without making the poem sexual. I trie d to accomplish this by using metaphors that hinted at sexual or physical attraction without being too overt, but I honestly found it difficult to imitate Brodsky’s sly subtlety.Overall, I think that the resulting pastiche that I created is a good imitation of Brodsky’s poem without mirroring it exactly. While I followed his formula for constructing the poem, I used my own metaphors which give it my own perspective. I think I did a good job of retaining the structure and flow of Brodsky’s poem, which was difficult since I was using my own words and having to rhyme every other line like he did. In creating this pastiche I was reminded of how much work goes into writing what seems like a simple poem.It’s easy to look at Brodsky’s poem, which is only sixteen lines of simple language, and decide that it must be easy to write something like it. But in reality, the structure, language and rhyme scheme made it more difficult than originally imagined. It t ook a lot of creative effort to create something individual while imitating the elements of the original poem that I liked or wanted to incorporate, but I think the resulting pastiche is a quality imitation of Brodsky’s display of poetic talent.

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